We try to stay positive and above board at Pop Culture Passionistas blog, but some of the gossipy celeb stories are just to insane to let them go by unmentioned. Such is the case with recent blog buzz that Sienna Miller has a mustache.
Sienna Miller Has a Mustache?
First of all the beautiful British actress has suffered enough at the hands of tabloid hounds over albeit not great relationship choices. But that said, she's a gorgeous, young starlet and we should all be so lucky to look as good as she does - alleged facial hair and all.
The comments started when New York post critic Lou Lemenick wrote a review of Miller's film The Mysteries of Pittsburgh. He clearly hated the film so much, he decided to go after the movie's star, too. Here's what he had to say:
"You know a movie’s got problem when the most memorable thing about it is Sienna Miller’s mustache... That growth above her lip is clearly visible in two scenes, once in profile."
Whether Miller needs to explore a laser hair removal option or just make better film choices we can't tell you. But we can say this, it's time to leave the poor girl alone.
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