Feeling blue because your BFF’s on Facebook and Twitter
haven’t sent you a link to a super-funny viral video lately? Longing for a new
David After Dentist or the Evolution of Dance? Well, once again, YouTube comes
to the rescue.
The online video destination recently launched YouTube Charts, which tracks the most popular videos and channels on the site.
The current number two video, California on Canada features
a Leno-esque man on the street comedy bit, where unsuspecting beach patrons are
asked trivia about our neighbors to the North. People must like to watch
strangers look dumb because this video has 556,551 views so far.
There are also heavier choices like the Philippine SWAT team storming a bus full of hostages in Manila. A former police officer had
been holding 15 Chinese tourists hostage and eight were found dead on the
scene—intense stuff to say the least.
Or if the requisite parents pimping out their kids for
YouTube hits is more your speed, check out the number nine video, MOST PRECIOUS MOMENT EVER! By the Shaytards, the brainchild of Shaycarl, a comedian/radio DJ who
has given his family clever nicknames like “Mommytard” and “Sontard.” To
paraphrase the words of Greg Giraldo, we clearly don’t share the same comic
sensibility, but at least 271,617 people think it’s funny.
And, we suppose, it’s something to do until the Fall TV
schedule kicks into gear.
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