Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Nina Dobrev and Candice Accola from The Vampire Diaries

The Vampire Diaries in back tomorrow night on the CW with all new episodes. Tune in to find out what will happen to Elena, Stephan, Damon, Caroline and the gang of Mystic Falls. While you wait see what's in store for the end of this season from Nina Dobrev and Candice Accola. At a recent press event called "The Kick-Ass Women of the CW" the show's two female stars spoke about the future of Elena and Caroline and what women influenced them most in their careers.

While both women play supernaturals on The Vampire Diaries and are required to be tough chicks on a weekly basis, their influences are not based in the action genre. Candace admitted, "I know it's not necessarily stunt work, like kicking booty, but I think Lucille Ball was a pretty kick ass woman. She paved such a beautiful path for women in television and she could be clumsy and make a fool of herself and still just carry herself with such grace and poise and you still laugh your ass off. I think she's pretty kick ass."

Nina added, "Lucille Ball has paved the way, but there's more opportunity now. There's more women in higher positions and there's a lot of opportunity there, and we're a great group. And there's a lot of television with strong women and it's good now, because it's reflective of the society and the way it is in reality.

The women described being younger and watching women on TV and in movies and longing to be like them. Nina commented, "I think watching Angelina Jolie movies is always kind of inspiring and awesome, but you guys get to do it on a weekly basis and kick butt, and some of us get to do it depending on the episode. But it is really cool. I remember watching Tomb Raider, and there's this woman who's beating up all of the guys. It does feel very empowering."

Candice was hesitant to say she dreamed of this role growing up adding, "Probably as a child aspiring to bite people as an adult would probably make you a little bit of a creepy child."

But, she added, "It's been the cherry on the cupcake. It's been really fun things to do."

So what is in store for the girls of The Vampire Diaries? They weren't too willing to disclose any major plot points, but they did reveal a few things. Nina divulged, "One thing that's anticipated right now that's going to be coming up, and I can't tell you too much because I don't want to give it away, but Klaus is coming at some point by the end of the season.  He hasn't been cast yet as far as I know. We don't really know that much. We won't find out again until it's actually written on the page, but he's going to be a big, bad vampire.

She also offered a suggestion to producers on could play Klaus, "I think Sacha Baron Cohen should be cast, do one of his crazy characters with an accent…So Sacha. Anyone can just pass along the message."

Candice was also tight lipped about the future but added, "We are also going to be introduced to more werewolf action and… the meeting of vampires and werewolves and how they are going to play a part in each other's lives within the world of Mystic Falls. It's going to be a little bit of a battle of territories so to say and how that affects personal relationships within friends within the town. Stay tuned."

Watch the midseason premiere of The Vampire Diaries Thursday, January 27 at 8 p.m. EST/7 p.m. Central on the CW.

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