Friday, January 7, 2011

This Week's Inspirational Pop Culture Moments

A TV judge returns with a positive spin, a homeless man gets a second chance and some big stars give it up for charity. Here are this week's most inspirational pop culture moments.

Live to Dance Inspires Viewers
Paula Abdul's new show
Live to Dance premiered this week to much fanfare. This is Abdul's first foray back into TV since leaving American Idol and the naysayers were waiting for her to trip and fall. But Paula came back with her head held high and produced an inspiring and heartwarming competition series.

There were no mean-spirited montages of bad dancers or heartbreaking critiques of the less than able. The show focused on the talented competitors with drive, ambition and many with sad stories to overcome.

Chi-Town Finest Breakers featured three brothers and two sisters from the Borjas family of the Windy City. They are B-Boy Ozone (age 12), B-Girl Spinderella (age 11), B-Boy Turbo (age 10), B-Boy Lil Crazzy Legz a.k.a. Mad Skillz (age 9) and B-Girl Precious Moments (age 6). Four-year-old B-Girl Professional is in training to join the act. The siblings told
Live to Dance host Andrew Ginsberg that they were once homeless and now want to use to breaking to inspire kids to overcome obstacles. They also plan to raise money to pay for hip hop lessons for those less fortunate.

The crew Inside the Box lost their studio to a fire two months ago. They admitted to the 
Live to Dance experts that they practice outside now, mostly moving from parking lot to parking garage until someone kicks them out. But they do it for the love of the craft.

Then there was 90-year-old Bonnie Buchner who almost became a Rockette as a teenager, but married the love of her life instead. When he died 43 years later, Bonnie turned to her tap shoes for comfort. She explained to Ginsberg, "Dancing brought back my life to me." After her performance Paula Abdul commented, "Bonnie you are a precious gift. The show is called Live to Dance and you exemplify that whole heartedly."

For more inspirational pop culture moments visit Beliefnet Idol Chatter.

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