Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Tori Spelling Takes Her Message to the World Wide Web

Tori Spelling is a self-promotion machine. The former teen star of her dad’s hit series “Beverly Hills, 90210” has become a mini-mogul over the past few years. She and her husband Dean McDermott have had not one, not two, but three reality shows – “Inn Love,” “Home Sweet Hollywood” and, most recently, “sTORIbook Weddings.” She’s become a best selling author of books for adults and kids with “sTORI Telling,” “Mommywood,” “Presenting Tallulah” and “uncharted terriTORI.” Plus she has her own jewelry line, kids clothing collection and L.A. area storefront called invenTORI.

Now she’s bringing her multi-tasking skills to the world wide web, hoping to motivate people everywhere to live their lives with a little flair. The site is split into sections like “Style,” “Dwell,” “Eat,” “Entertain,” “Craft,” “Live,” “Raise” and “Love.”

As Tori says in her welcome blog, “The details of daily life add up to who we are - so, why not strive to be inspired?” So her mission is simple and springs from her “desire to share ideas and inspiration for elevating everyday life.”

Perhaps the most invigorating area of the website will be “Raise,” in which the soon-to-be mother of three hopes to “share my tips for navigating the choppy waters of modern mommyhood. I can’t wait to hear how all you hot mamas balance everything!”

But even non-parents will be able to relate to “Live,” where Tori intends to share, “advice for keeping stress in check and staying in tune with yourself: body, spirit, mind…oh, and all the little voices in your head.”

Visit the newly launched ediTORIal at torispelling.com

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