As our loyal readers might have figured out by now, we take television seriously. But even we’re impressed with the commitment of the gang at the Classic TV Preservation Society. Their mission in their own words is “to celebrate, document, and spread the word: Classic TV is not only entertaining, but informative, educational, socially substantial, and sometimes, life-changing.”
And, believe us, we get it. We picked up some of our most important knowledge from the shows of our youth. We learned love is all around, no need to waste it from The Mary Tyler Moore Show
Clearly the folks at the Classic TV Preservation Society think that TV’s greatest life lessons are worth spreading. They offer seminars for schools, communities, and businesses on some of classic television’s most important themes including Self-Esteem and Acting as Caregivers.
One of their offerings is geared to people over 55. The S.M.A.R.T. Seminar (Senior Media Arts And Review Theatrical Program), encourages participants “to become involved with the theatrical crafts of Acting, Creative Writing, Music, Dance - with a concentration on enhancing self-esteem, self-worth, positive thinking, and personal communication skills – all the while employing messages from Classic TV shows – with which the senior population, in particular, is familiar (i.e. Father Knows Best
If it all sounds a little too intense, casual TV aficionados can participate in user forums on topics like “My Favorite Bewitched
Sign up for free membership at and follow them on Facebook and Twitter.
What happened to the Classic Television Preservation Society? It seemed vibrant of Facebook, then disappeared. Wha'appen?