Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Audition to Be on Masterchef with Gordon Ramsay

At last count, we're pretty sure Gordon Ramsay has 327 TV series on the air. OK, we exaggerate to make a point, but the famous chef with the foul mouth does seem to be everywhere these days. The latest show is Masterchef, in which Ramsay gives completely amateur home cooks a chance to prove their prowess in the kitchen.

Last season 22-year-old Whitney Miller won $250,000 and the chance to have her own cookbook published.

Think you have what it takes? Open casting calls are taking place on November 6 in Los Angeles at Le Cordon Bleu, 6370 West Sunset Blvd. from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Plan to be there all day.

You must submit an application, bring a current photo of yourself, and a photo of your best plated dish. For more details and to pre-register visit www.masterchefcasting.com.

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