Monday, November 22, 2010

Join the Campaign to Declare Nigel Tufnel Day

Spinal Tap fans are planning ahead. This November 11, fans launched a Facebook campaign to officially make 11/11/11 Nigel Tufnel Day.

For those unaware of the phenomenon of Nigel Tufnel, start by logging on to Netflix immediately and renting This Is Spinal Tap. In the meantime, we can tell you that Nigel is the lead guitarist of the fictitious band Spinal Tap, played by Christopher Guest in the 1984 movie This is Spinal Tap. And he is famous for his guitar amp that "goes to 11... it's one louder." So naturally 11/11/11 is the perfect day to celebrate the heavy metal axe legend.

If you're a Tap fan, join the Facebook campaign and start your preparations for the festive day. Put on Smell the Glove, turn up the volume and make arrangements for delivery of a cold cut sandwich platter with miniature breads and a relish tray on the side. But just be sure there are "little guys" in every olive or it could be "a complete catastrophe."

And don't worry about Nigel if the campaign is not successful. He can always become a haberdasher or work in a chapeau shop.

For other music stories check out:
Ozzie Sings John Lennon
OK Go Is at it Again

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