Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Epic Meal Time – Not for the Faint of Heart

There’s a lot of fuss these days about healthy eating. Trans fats are being banned. Fast food restaurants are posting calorie counts. And The Biggest Loser is one of NBC’s only hit shows. But don’t mention this good food revolution to the gang at EpicMealTime.com.

In a series of videos that would make Jamie Oliver weep, this culinary crew makes unspeakably large and fat-filled gastro-monstrosities. Their masterpieces include:

Meat Salad – Needless to say these guys skip the lettuce and alfalfa sprouts. Instead their salad is comprised of flank stake, meatball “radishes,” “cucumber” sausages, pork croutons (aka ham cubes) and beer-bacon dressing. Defibrilator not included.

Epic Eggroll – This not so ancient Chinese secret consists of General Tao Chicken, noodles, Cantonese Style Chow Mein, Chicken Fried Rice and dumplings. Yes, they are all mixed together as the stuffing in a deep fried egg roll wrapper. And not to be outdone, it comes with a giant gold leaf covered fortune cookie stuffed with the prophecy, “Eat more bacon.”

The Worst Pizza Ever – Just looking at a slice of this concoction would destroy any diet. This pie is covered in a Wendy’s French Fries, six of McDonald’s famous Chicken McNuggets and a Big Mac, a Taco Bell Crunch Wrap Supreme, KFC Popcorn Chicken, Wendy’s Baconator, an A&W Teen Burger and side of onion rings. According to their fat counter this dish totals 5,210 calories and 286 grams of fat. Associated guilt = priceless.

Beverage lovers will not be disappointed with EpicMealTime.com. Their Breakfast of Booze video is their second most viewed with over 2.2 million hits. Who wouldn’t want to tune in to a morning meal consisting of bacon wrapped ham deep fried in beer batter, bacon chocolate chip beer waffles, bacon Baileys whipped cream and, what else, a magnum of Jack Daniels.

That all seems to be in keeping with the mission they have posted on their Facebook page, which is “to create the most epic meals and then eat them. In a time where people are putting an emphasis on dieting and health, we choose to rebel.” Even a master like Man vs. Food’s Adam Richman would feel like a wuss next to these hardcore foodies.

If you dare, check out all of their videos on YouTube.

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