Monday, March 7, 2011

Warner Bros. Stuns Fans with Blade Runner News


Warner Bros. studios in Burbank, California, continued on their remake, sequel and prequel rampage this week. The studio has a distribution deal with Alcon Entertainment, who obtained the rights to a string of opportunities related to the 1982 sci-fi cult classic Blade Runner.

Alcon will be able to create TV content, prequels and sequels to the dark, futuristic movie that starred Harrison Ford as replicant hunter Rick Deckard. The original film was directed by Ridley Scott and no determination has yet been made regarding his potential involvement in any upcoming projects. Bud Yorkin would produce the material along with Alcon chiefs Andrew Kosove and Broderick Johnson.

Fans took to the Internet after the news broke to express their concern about tarnishing the original property. They should be relieved to know that the deal does not include permission to remake the ’82 film.

This is just one of a series of projects that the WB has recently announced that repurpose previously released material. Over the last few weeks, they announced that they will produce a feature film version of Stephen King’s novel The Stand which had been a TV-miniseries in the ‘90s. They also have a revamping of the ‘70s Chevy Chase comedy Fletch in the works.

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