This week a talk show host got schooled by her kid. A comedian spoke of possibility with some working class heroes. An ‘80s pop star turned jeans into dreams. A rock ‘n’ roll star preached the power of a meatless life. And a Saved by the Bell
star taught colleagues how to drop some pounds. Here are this week's most inspirational moments in pop culture.
Elisabeth Hasselbeck Get’s Schooled by her Kid
We can all agree that Elisabeth Hasselbeck went a little too far on The View this week. The conservative chat show host commented on Dancing with the Stars
contestant Erin Andrews’ skimpy wardrobe choices of late.
She went on to joke that if she were Andrews’ former stalker she would have been thinking, “'Man! I just could've waited twelve weeks and seen this -- a little bit less -- without the prison time!'" Sending trickles of uncomfortable laughter through the audience.
But here’s where the inspiration comes in. That night, while watching the DWTS elimination show with her five-year-old daughter, Grace, Elisabeth said she was sad about having “hurt someone’s feelings.”
Out of the mouths of babes came the solution. Grace turned to her and said, “Mommy, why don’t you just call Erin and tell her you’re sorry?” A simple, childlike solution to an overblown, grown-up problem.
In a tearful apology Elisabeth told her View costars that she promised her daughter, “I told her, and I promised her, that I would use my words more mindfully, like I try to do, to build people up not break them down.”
And with that Dancing with the Stars contestants and Democrats everywhere breathed a huge sigh or relief.
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