Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Who Won the Awkward Family Photos Holiday Contest?


We’ve all been a part of a bad family photo or two. Dated plaid elephant legged pants. Toppling pyramids at family picnics. Dad lying naked behind Mom and the kids… Wait. Wa-hat? We have to admit (thank God) that we never had to endure that one. But then again that’s why we’re not finalists in the Little Fockers’ sponsored Awkward Family Photos’ Holiday contest.

The naked dad photo is just one of ten shots that made the final ten cut. But today the winner was revealed. Was it the baby chewing on the Christmas tree light’s electrical cord? Or perhaps the toddler who looks terrified to be sitting on Santa Clause’s lap? Maybe it was the young boy, tied up in Xmas lights like a scene from The Ref left on the cutting room floor.

We admit that we love the family of five over-dressed in matching holiday vests and dresses, and the Santa/Bozo combo holiday shot. But we have to give props to the pop culture infused photos where the daughters are posed in a Charlie’s Angels gun pointing stance and flanked by cardboard cutouts of Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda. May the Force be with them this Christmas.

To see this year’s winning photo visit AwkwardFamilyPhotos.com and stay tuned to the site year round – after all uncomfortable family moments get captured 365 days a year.

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