Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A Site For All Those People Who'd Like to Say 'Please Fire Me'

Most people remain pessimistic about the job market. Sure unemployment rates fell to nine percent in January — dipping for the second straight month — but many analysts chalk that up to people simply dropping out of the work force all together. So as has been the case for a while, people who have jobs are staying put — whether they like it or not.

There is an outlet for the employment blues, however. It’s a website called PleaseFireMe.com. As the site explains, “the job market is like a Tale of Two Cities — the Wall Street guys and CEOs make billions and the rest of us can’t figure out how we got stuck in these damn cubicles.” So this is a service for the “malemployed” — the ever growing number of people who are stuck in jobs they absolutely hate.

At Please Fire Me, people can anonymously submit the source of their work day frustrations.

Those reasons can range from the absurd:

“Please fire me. My boss obsessively clears his throat and hoots like an owl in a high-pitched tone. He’s not crazy, just lives alone and doesn’t realize how many noises he makes.”

To the politically incorrect:

“Please fire me. My boss… doesn’t speak English very well and has a hard time recognizing words beyond “hello” and “goodbye.” I’ve been forced to learn how to mime stuff like ‘How should I format this Excel spreadsheet?’ and ‘My paycheck has been shorted by $250.’”

To the seemingly inhumane:

“Please fire me. We were just told we won’t have bathrooms at work all this week due to some badly frozen pipes. When asked what we should do if we have to go my boss said, ‘Well you should have thought of that before you left the house this morning.’”

Visit the site, read away and be happy that the worst thing about your job is that you can’t wear pajamas to work.

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